Si te Krijojm ni chat - ((( Mitrovica & Kercova Hakers Grup )))) - Forum
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Si te Krijojm ni chat
mhg-crewDate: Sa, 06-September-08, 0:59 AM | Message # 1
Group: Te perzgjedhurit
Messages: 915
Reputation: 12
Status: Offline
Si te Krijojm ni chat

Beni Login Ne Putty Tek Shell Linux Qe Mund Te Keni Dhe Vazhdoni Kshu Ne Versionin CR2.1-Linux = ConferenceRoom2.1 :


Mbas Instalimit Beni :

tar xfzv CR2.1-Linux.tar.gz

Mbas Ksaj :

cd CR2.1-Linux

Pastaj :


Pastaj Vazhdoni Me Instalimin E Serverit Duke Bere :

Please enter your key or TRIAL if you do not have one
For example: TRIAL


Please enter a valid fully qualified DNS name for this server
For example:

Emrin E Server Qe Doni

Please enter the name you want your server to use
For example:

Emrin Prap

Please enter a brief description of your server
For example: IgLi, Inc's Chat Server

Ketu Veni Emailin Tuaj ..

Please select the ports you wish your chat server to
listen on. Do not include the web server port in this list
The first port listed is the primary port
For example: 7000,6666-6669


Please enter a nickname for the local channel management agent
For example: ChanBot

Emrin E Botit Kryesor te serverit

Please select the port you would like the web server to
listen on. You may use '0' if you don't wish to run our
internal web server. Do not use '80' unless no other web
server will run on this machine.
For example: 8000


Please select the nickname of the first operator
For example: admin

Nick E Admin QE Doni

Please select the password of the first operator
For example: MyPass

Passwordin Tuaj Te Adminit ..

Pastaj Ju Del Nje Yes Or No Per Servicet E Serverit:


pastaj do beni Crack TRIAL te serverit qe te permbaj sa me shum usera ... :

cd bin

rm -rf crchat

wget h

chmod +x crchat

Pastaj Do Beni :

cd .. Me Gjith .. !

Pastaj Do I Vendosni OperServ Services !
Ne Kete Menyre:

cd db

Pastaj Do Beni

pico oper.db

dhe brenda kesaj do vendosni

O Nick - 1073741824

ctrl + X

yes dhe Enter .


cd ..



Pastaj Hyni Ne Server Me Ane Te mIRC


/oper nicku-juaj passwordi

/as services operserv enable

/as services memoserv enable


Rihyni Prap Dhe Beni

/as util services stop

/as util services start

Dhe Po Te Doni I Vendosni Dhe Key

/as general set key 5ED6-397A-4B05-32AA

Dhe Kaq Mbaroi

Toturial I Pergatitur Nga Baker-X

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