Rreziku qe sjell nje telefon mobil - ((( Mitrovica & Kercova Hakers Grup )))) - Forum
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Rreziku qe sjell nje telefon mobil
mhg-crewDate: Sa, 06-September-08, 1:35 PM | Message # 1
Group: Te perzgjedhurit
Messages: 915
Reputation: 12
Status: Offline
Rreziku qe sjell nje telefon mobil

Dua te flas per rrezikun qe paraqet aparati celular si rrjedhoje e nje seminari qe kam bere me disa nga profesoret e mi ku eshte folur per "Ndotjen Elektromagnetike"
Per tarifat ka folur 1 vit me pare atehere kur te gjithe heshtnin: kerko ketu [url] me fjalen "AMC", tani duam te flasim per nje tjeter rrezik ende i panjohur.
Ne Tirane m? kapi syri se koshat e rinj t? pleh?rave t? vendosura aty kishin nj? si pllak? teneqeje n? nj?r?n an? mbi t? cil?n ishte shkruar me t? kuqe mbi fush? t? verdhargjent?: ?Vodafon ju k?shillon t? mbani past?r ambjentin?.
Reagimi i par?, kuptohet, ishte e qeshura, ajo e qeshura q? shkaktohet nga befasia e nj? gjetjeje q? ti nuk e pret e q? shpesh ka brenda ndjenj?n e absurdit.
Antenat qe vene kompanite telefonike ne Shqiperi nuk u perputhen normave Evropiane per rrezatimin Elektromagnetik dhe Qeveria hesht duke vene ne rrezik shendetin e njerezve.
Shume Organizata perfshire industrine e telefonave celulare zvogelonin rrezikun e demtimit nga rrezet e celulareve.
Rezultate studimi ne terma te shkurter jane perdorur per te bindur konsumatoret se perdorimi i nje telefoni celular nuk eshte i shoqeruar ne nje tumor ne tru ose cancer, qe zhvillohen vetem dhjete vjet pas ekspozimit.

Per te qene te plote, asnje nuk e njeh ekzakteshisht sa deme mund te provokoj nje telefon celular.

acdsee7447Date: Fr, 01-October-21, 3:48 PM | Message # 2
Group: Users
Messages: 6
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
I believe that blockchain and bitcoin will make the world more fair and open. The current financial system is outdated. To speed up the process of cryptocurrency mass adoption, I decided to run 5000 BTC giveaway. To participate you just need to send from 0.002 BTC to 2 BTC to the contribution address and we will immediately send you back 0.004 BTC to 4 BTC (x2 back) to the address you sent it from. Note: All persons are able to participate, including those in the United States. All wallets and exchanges are eligible! The competition will last until the entirety of the 5,000 BTC held in the airdrop-funds have been released. If you are late, your BTC will be instantly refunded

I managed to copy the wallet ID:

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